
RGV EIO-Leadership Committee


Leadership Committee Directors

RGV Event Industry Organization will elevate and inspire event professionals by fostering education, advocacy, and ethical practices.

It is time to begin the election process to choose those leaders who will guide and direct the RGV Event Industry Organization for the next 12 months beginning June 1, 2023.

Please review the requirements before applying for a Leadership Committee Director. The deadline for applications is February 28, 2023.


  • Applicants for the Leadership Committee Officer must be an active member and pay the $125 membership due.
  • Each Director is elected for a one-year term.
  • Directors must attend a Leadership Retreat in June 2023.
  • Directors must attend the monthly Leadership Meeting. 1st week of each month. The exact date, time, and location TBD.
  • Directors must attend the Bi-monthly Membership Meetings/Events.
  • Maintain adequate and appropriate insurance coverage for all business activities
  • Must own, manage, or have worked in the industry for at least 5 years.
  • Follow, promote, and encourage the highest level of ethics within the profession of the special events industry while maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct. ​

..."great leaders inspire greatness in others."

Leadership Committee POSITIONS


A Director must agree to fulfill any assignments as requested by the President and Founder; must attend the monthly Leadership Meetings; abide by the RGV EIO Code of Ethics; and abide by the RGV EIO. Directors must be members in good standing at the time of application submission, election to position, and throughout their term of leadership.


Shall perform the duties usually assigned to this office. He/she shall preside at all meetings.

Other duties may include: Following up with the Leadership Committee to ensure that goals are being accomplished; creating agendas for the Leadership meetings; serving as the official spokesperson for the organization; working in conjunction with the Leadership Committee to produce goals/plan of work for the year; writes President’s Message for the newsletter; attends as many functions as possible.

Reports directly to: Founder, Daisy Gonzalez.

President-Elect serves as Secretary

Shall, in the absence of the President, have all powers and perform all duties of the President except where precluded by law.

Other duties may include: Taking on special projects as assigned by the President. Responsible for recording minutes during the monthly Leadership Meetings.

Treasurer Director

Shall receive and deposit all funds. He/she shall be responsible for preparing financial reports for the Leadership Committee at the meetings, to be incorporated in the permanent record of the chapter. All funds withdrawn from the organization accounts must require the signature of the Founder.

Education and Programs Director

Shall oversee all educational activity, and all program activity for the Organization’s regular membership meetings and be responsible for all and any committee activity pertaining to education. This includes hospitality and site selection.

Other duties may include: Selects appropriate topics and speakers; takes meeting reservations.

Membership Director

Shall oversee all membership activity and be responsible for any and all committee activity pertaining to membership. He/she shall also be responsible for recording and maintaining the list of members and the addresses/emails of members and shall be responsible for promulgating changes and amendments.

Other duties may include: Be responsible for checking in and attendance during all meetings. Keep the organization stocked with appropriate membership materials; keeps a current list of prospective members for recruitment/marketing efforts; send local correspondence to welcome new members; contacts members who have not renewed their membership; report in local newsletter regarding membership promotions,

Membership Co-Director

Assists the Membership Director

Communications Director

Shall oversee all communication activity for the organization.

Other duties may include: Manages social media for the organization; manages monthly newsletters, creates flyers for meeting notices, and newsletters, coordinates website materials and updates; prepares promotional materials for programs and mailing to membership in a timely fashion; submits information regarding meetings for press releases.

Communication Co-Director

Assists the Communications Director

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